Guacamolito Open Mixer is our kick off event for the HAREP Guacamole Open
Golf Tournament. Relax while Networking, win Door Prizes, and bring
some cash for the 50/50 split the pot. Appetizers, and cash bar.
TopGolf 6101 N 99th Ave. Glendale, AZ 85305
August 18th, 2021 (3rd Wednesday)
Register here

Thank you to our Sponsors:

Upcoming Event: XXVIII HAREP Guacamole Open Golf Tournament Register here!
*For Volunteer and Sponsorship opportunity for this and upcoming events contact:,
*Would you like to collaborate, and make a difference in your community? Please feel free
to contact Gonzalo Enriquez, HAREP, Founder 602-540-3636
*HAREP Membership Dues is only $20.00 Register here join us now!